Works Update
Mark Martin, our indefatigable contractor, appeared one afternoon when he’d finished another job, and we immediately changed our plans to make time for his work.
In a moment, he had lifted a hatch in the first floor of our barn and with minimal gunting lowered two large bookcases through the hole. Soon after they were fixed in place, along several other bookcases.
The result: Order evolving from chaos. See photos on our construction blog - click here.
Acquisitions Report
We are delighted to report recent additions to our BookArts room. From Eastbourne’s __________ we have two charming accordian-fold books (‘Cats and Dogs’ and ‘Noah’s Ark’ - do you sense a theme?).
And an auction yielded a small stack of gorgeous limited-edition books primarily focussing on the works of wood engravers, including ______ and _______
These volumes will shortly be available to visitors - drop by for a look!
What gets our blood racing? How about a big-screen documentary about booksellers? Check out the trailer now!